School Story:
I remember Math Class with Miss Murphy and getting detention from her after she found out my brother Charlie had named our dog after her.
I remember having Mr Coffee (the ex priest married to Mrs Coffee the ex nun) for English. One day we had a film strip, the kind where you turned when the beep was heard on the record playing along side the film projector. Mr Coffee had put the wrong side of the record so there were no beeps to trigger the next slide. We told him, "you need to turn it over" meaning the record, but instead he picked up the entire record player and moved it 90 degrees and not flipping over the record. We watch the entire film strip on the same slide, no one else said a word.
I remember Junior year having to be bundled up in the winter and walking around the muggy, warm boys club pool on the way to gym class.
I left PHS in May of my Junior year for a new larger high school in Los Angeles. I remember wearing that PHS gym uniform to my new high school at JFK High (big mistake). It was a coed (!!) gym class, no uniforms required and I got smashed in the face with a volleyball.